Also I wish merry christmas to all and happy new year. Hope all of you enjoyed the April Fools video. Royal BNA Driver 3. Today subscribers on my YT channel! Informations de compte oubliées? Nom: royal bna driver Format: Fichier D'archive Système d'exploitation: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Licence: Usage Personnel Seulement Taille: 8.5 MBytes What is the changelog are you asking? But is still in test mode with a friend he has x64 OS , so I'm thinking to upload the driver maybe today, tomorrow or the next week, also I need update the info files with more instructions to install including the Windows 8 thingy and more stuff. Hope all of you enjoyed the April Fools video. Telecharger royal bna driver v3. Hope your resolutions come true! I will continue uploading benchmarks of my new laptop, if you are wondering what are the specs, here they are:. Arkham Origins for Steam. Lon